by Think Digitally | Oct 7, 2020 | News
North West Evergreen Fund to kick-start speculative industrial development at Little Hulton London, October 7th 2020 – The North West Evergreen Fund has provided a £10.75m loan to InfraRed Capital Partners to fund 172,000 sq ft of speculative industrial development at...
by Think Digitally | Jul 26, 2020 | News
Q&A with Will Church and React News – July 2020 What have been the biggest successes of the Evergreen 2 fund so far? We tend not to differentiate between the various Evergreen Funds under our management – these include Evergreen 1 & 2, the Cheshire &...
by Think Digitally | Jul 26, 2020 | News
Cities will remain vital hubs for collaboration, buy they need the finance to support them The recent rhetoric from the Prime Minister surrounding infrastructure investment must be encouraging for the region – remembering the Conservative gains across the North West...
by Think Digitally | Jun 2, 2020 | News
Andrew Antoniades reviews the availability, challenges and opportunities for the UK’s development finance market against the twin pressures of Covid-19 and being late in the economic cycle. Development debt will be harder to find and more costly for most, and some...
by Think Digitally | Mar 26, 2020 | News
Insider newsletter blog, Will Church, Senior Director, CBRE As I sit here at my desk at home typing, the state of the world has changed quite considerably in a matter of weeks. I was expecting to have been freshly back from Cannes after the launch of a new Impact Fund...