Plot E2, Media City
The development of Plot E2 will be the latest addition to Peel Media’s MediaCityUK scheme. It will be a gateway building at the entrance to MediaCityUK comprising 10 storeys. The upper element will provide a 107 bed Premier Inn hotel, and the lower portion to comprise circa 56,000 sq. ft of creative office space.
Externally the development is designed to create a large, south facing plaza providing valuable amenity space for the office and hotel guests as well as other occupiers of the wider estate. The 56,000 sq. ft, six storey office podium will be designed without ceiling finishes and all services will be exposed. Both the hotel and office aspects of the proposed development will achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating. The hotel will be a 107 room mid-market offer operated by Whitbread’s Premier Inn with a restaurant at ground with the bedrooms occupying the upper floors 7– 10.
This hotel and office development (B1, C1) creates a 107 bedroomed hotel and c.5,800 sq. m of flexible units, incorporating offices, desk rental and shared workspace. This development is seen as a progression of the offer at The Greenhouse, which caters for start-up businesses, smaller enterprises or those requiring less space but access to high quality facilities and key creative industry players. MediaCityUK is home to the BBC, ITV, Coronation Street, the University of Salford and more than 150 ancillary businesses, features one of the biggest high-definition studio complexes in Europe and currently employs c. 4,500 people.
Evergreen is providing £6.25m of mezzanine finance to develop the office space. The senior lender, RBS, has funded the hotel element.